Arms Upheld: Support in Life's Hard Battles

Feel Our Way - Episode #142

H Lynn Pierce Season 1 Episode 142

 I recently found myself engulfed in dread and uncertainty. I wasn’t hopeless, but I couldn’t see hope anywhere. My world felt so very dark. And as hard as I tried, I couldn't figure out which way to turn.

Acts 17:27 showed me that when I cannot see hope, I can still feel my way to Him. And find Him. He's where He's always been. Right beside me.

This episode marks a stopping point for this podcast as I venture to take hold of the hand of Jesus and embark on an uncharted course of discovery of a life lived clinging tightly to Him. A new blog "Holding the Hand of Jesus" will debut in the coming months and beyond that, God only knows.

Thank You, to all of you who have traveled this road with me, who have listened and offered feedback, love, and support. Thank you! You are the absolute best!

Let's grab hold of His hand and take the next step forward on our own journeys.
Remember, God is for you. And so am I!

Bible verses referred to in this episode:
Acts 17:26-27

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