Arms Upheld: Support in Life's Hard Battles
Weighed down by burdens? Can’t sleep? Need a moment to yourself to connect with Your Creator? Even if it’s five minutes in the bathroom? Everyone is fighting a battle. Battles can be long and hard. I want to be there for you like Aaron and Hur were for Moses in Exodus 17 and hold up your arms. When Moses’s arms were held high, Israel prevailed. God won the victory for Israel, but Moses played his role in obedience, while Aaron and Hur supported him. “For the LORD your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.” Deuteronomy 20:4 The battle is His. He’s won the victory. I would like to stand with you, holding up your arms until the breakthrough happens and you can see the victory materialize. I offer encouragement, something to think on, and a prayer to focus on the One who holds all things together. Your battle may look different than mine, but let’s stand together. I’ll help hold up your arms until victory is real in your life. God is for you and so am I. -H Lynn Pierce
Arms Upheld: Support in Life's Hard Battles
Community - Episode #124
As I was reading through Numbers, the phrase "each in position under the appropriate family banner" stood out to me. Then I continued on to discover the plan God had for the Israelites to camp around the tabernacle and how to break camp and move on. And as I pondered this, I began to see how God's design wasn't just for who walks first in a procession, but about building communities.
You see it wasn't that the groups shared an ancestor, it was that these people shared a life. They set up camps near the same people. The travelled with the same people. They lived their lives with these neighbors.
Then I began to wonder, "Who do I share my life with? Who is my community?"
Listen in to join our time of reflection, not just on who our neighbors are, but on God's great design for community as well.
Bible verses referred to in this episode:
Numbers 2:17-34
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